Thursday, January 17, 2008

इन सर्च ऑफ़ लाइफ

In Search of Life Part I
What is life? Biology is so open, yet unknown. Power of the living pulses in the blood, rises in the breath, and arcs through the nerves of man and beast. It is so enduring and so fragile. It is so tenacious and so fleeting . . . in a wisp of foggy shadow. It is the power of material and mystery. It is merely an array of facts that unstudied, a kind of knowledge and uncut by the sword of science.
Life is more than the mere that appears. It is the conquest of consciousness over the concepts of cold calculation. It is the spoken genius of Creation over the dead ends of evolution imaginarily littered through the layers of limestone and lava.Life defies the scientific search for sensory explanation. Life is god to all natural humans and angels fallen in rebellion. It is the object of all focus and fantasy. It is the illusion of power purchased by the sale of transactional souls for a lie. Life is the fuel of the fallen stolen from the sons of Adam to whom it was given . . . forever.
Yet, life must end in death because of its evil pollution, sin, agony and a poor tragedy. A humanity hidden from the true power that blazons obscurely, as fog is pierced by the desert sun in glory.
Life is empty and meaning less is that true? No, never if we understand it. It is full with joy and sorrows. It begins with the birth and ends with the death and in some cases it also live after death like in Ghoste and then after re birth. It is in the attitude of the person as how he takes the life blank or full. It has the full meaning, purpose, ambition, goals, freedom, responsibilities, society family and what not. It find only in one word Consciousness. To know it there are five lavels of consciousness - (i) You are responsible (ii) We are responsible (iii) I am responsible (iv) No body is responsible and (v) Nothing ever happened.
When we think of Life, we think of so many things. We think of the Life Force coursing through our veins. We think of Life Everlasting as charted for us in all the religious texts. We think of a world devoid of meaning without Life. “The absence of Life is nothing, not death, but nothing.” Can we actually conceive of nothing? Of course not! That means death. And even with death, its contemplation has to occur in Life.
There simply is no absence of Life; that is absurd. We contemplate Life from the point of view of Life. And we have to be alive to contemplate its absence. In Mythology, all struggles are about Life and Death. The hero or heroine conquers one polarity in order to gain the other. They face death, or rather, their fear of death, in order to be filled with Life. This is how it goes this eternal cycle – Life, Death, Rebirth. All heroes learn this and accept this. It is part of their struggle and their destiny. They do it to overcome fear. Fear is the enemy of Life. Only fear needs to be conquered, because Life without Death is not Life; and life without Life is mere existence.
In the sense life is a struggle. For life everything is fair in love and war. Emotion is also the part of life. E-motion create that E= energi motion. Negative feeling that creates stress and blocked our flow of energy which feels the means of life. Our life is not unfolding events but about our relationship with event that shapes subsequent events. The life is one’s living and is a function of one’s perception and has nothing to do with others. Life is precious to anyone. Life is the way to eternal you. Through your life, you can be born as the best human who you want or as the worst human who you never want. In lasts the life in terms of the survival of a human being. In other words, life without under standing itself is the same thing as is abandoned.
Life is feelings of mind. Life is human’s nature and god’s grace. Life is creature of things, hell and heaven on the earth. Life is love, lust and passion. Life is the felling of pleasure and sorrows. Life is the sense of organs emotion. Life is money and our needs to live. Life is game of cricket and lad. Life is an art of living. Life is science and culture of humanity. Life is beauties and buddies. Life is the hope of dreams. Life is live in light and death in dark. Life is relation and also the lesion of teachings. Life is faith and fear of good and evils. Life is quite amazing as we look in our dreams. Life is a fashion of art. Life is belief of hopes. Life is not condition but it is a product. Life is blank space which we need to fill with achievements, enjoy and meanings. Ideology is not life but ideological work is life. Fight is life pain is life. Life is a struggle with the needs and hopes. Life is never ending task. Life is the secret of truth which only god knows. Life is the wave of an angel and is in some one’s face. Life is the whole process which exists from birth to death and we have the result in us through what happened in ourselves.
When we know life we can see the real value of life and when we know the value of life, the real love can come out ourselves. When your life cannot bless yourself the life is not yours anymore. Life is something you experience collage is something you complete. Life is a street car named desire. Life is a soap opera today and we are all glued to it. Life is full of beauty and also the risk. Life is a foreign language all we are mispronounces it (Christopher Morly). Life is a vague, nebulous cop out. Life is worth living when god lives in you. Life is path way is ever uncertain. Life is a worth while we compare it with our needs, hopes, dreams and our presence. Life is celebrity and also the event. Life is a massage or courage. Life is as noise as innocent. Life is an effort. Life is patience. Life is believed. Life is medication. Life is worship. Life is religion. Life is love and hate. Life is necessity, grief and also the relief. Life... life a life which we want life is tough and uneasy and life are exactly 'Do' and way as well very life is the source that makes us exist. Life is a train that never stops takes the passenger left them on the proper place again to pick up and then to return to back ….. Life is not a race. Do take it slower Hear the music before the song is over. Life is in the blood and breath of man, but this life is a mixture indivisible of good and evil. The life that we know is coming to an end. Its power is fading in a super nova soon to be born. Now is the eternity we must seize, and that eternity is the true Love unfeigned and untainted by the misery of evil. This is the true power offered in the beginning, but ignored, unseen, and unvalued because evil was unknown, and being unknown, unforgiven by the washed blood sacred of the Son who is Salvation alone. It is in the eyes of your heart. It is in the power of the true love, ray of hopes and voice of soul.
Life is all about living. Living a life that is full of life. Live and in person. Living to bring life into this world and adding to life, something worth living for. Life is about today, the here and the now. Life is about living each moment as if it was your last. What is life all about? It is about all life in all forms at all times throughout everyone's life. Life is about choices you make every moment of it. Some are wrong and some are right, and it depends on how you look at it. You choose your outcome. Life is about dreaming and to make your dream come true also about trying to be honest, live is what you make of it. About it some one wrote:
Life is a challenge, meet it, Life is a gift, accept it, Life is an adventure, dare it, Life is a sorrow, overcome it, Life is a tragedy, face it, Life is a duty, perform it, Life is a game, play it, Life is a mystery, unfold it, Life is a song, sing it, Life is an opportunity, take it, Life is a journey, complete it, Life is a promise, fulfill it, Life is beauty, praise it, Life is a struggle, fight it, Life is a goal, achieve it, Life is a puzzle, solve it, Life is love, love it,

In the last- Dreams which come from our surroundings catch up through eyes grow in our mind and spread with the struggle. If we can do all these things then we can say that life is dreams which come true.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Women are human beings, and constitute half of the human population on the earth. They have been treated as weaker sex in all societies of the world. They are discriminated, maltreated and oppressed everywhere. Amidst the plenty of literature on women studies this work is unique which imparts valuable information extracted from various authoritative sources
The word ‘woman’ is a symbol of eternal mystery and enchantment, as if it is not enough that she is flesh and blood, but that she must be something higher than what she is. Woman, it seems, was created to make the world more beautiful and man more ardent in his appreciation of beauty. This mythical idea found expression in the poet’s memorable lines:
Not God alone has created you O maiden,
Man has completed your being by giving you
Beauty and grace (of his hearts’ desire).
And that description of man’s creation of woman culminates in the statement:
Your femininity, is half your womanhood,
Half is the imagination of men.
What she: A woman’s home is still her life and soul. She makes her home beautiful, bears all responsibilities of her family and meets the demands of social life, balancing her own workload all the time with domestic duties. She is also the mother of her child. With all this work the woman carries on her struggle for emancipation, for nothing is ever attained without a struggle.
Janani hai, maon bhi hai, palan har bhi vo hai, mamta ki chhaon bhi vo hai. Aanchal jaisi pyar ki gode bhi usake pas hai. Dard ki dava bhi vo hai, muskilon ka sathi bhi vo hai. Rakshak vo hai, shikshak vo hai, Jeevan ka aadhar bhi vo hai. Some one wrote about her life and her presence in these words: There comes a time in every woman's life when she has to take a close look at herself. Not at her circumstance, not at what she did, not how unfair life is, or not at whom made you do it. She has to just look at herself in all her glory and imperfection. Have you ever admired a woman who has been through changes in her life? The answer could be in our minds never, we never mind it. A woman who has endured the most unusual life is someone of wisdom, someone who has been chosen by God to go through things that have made her stronger. That woman could be my mother, sister, aunt, in-law, stepmother, niece, grandmother, great-grandmother, neighbor, friend, or co-worker, etc. That woman could be me. Women are the carriers of life, not the channels of death. Let's build and encourage each other. Pass this to all the women in your life. Encourage and Love, Forgive and Forget, and trust that the woman that receives this will be touched in some way. Further, I will say about her nature in these Hindi lines-
Krodh ki jawala vo hai, khushi ka aanand bhi vo.
Sagar se gode bhi vo hai, aakash ki chhaya bhi vo hai.
Shakti ka Bandhan bhi vo hai, kamjori ka karan bhi.
Prem ki pyasi bhi vo hai, yauvan ki udasi bhi vo,
Bhooke ki roti vo hai, pyase ka pani bhi vo.
Ran main vo , kaushal main vo, chhal ki maharathi bhi vo hai,
Yuddha kshetra main vijay ore har ka karan bhi vo hai.
Bhavukata ki jar bhi vo hai, trapti ka sadhan bhi vo,
Fashion ki deevani vo hai, lajja ka aakarshan bhi vo.
Jal main vo hai, thal main vo hai,
Gagan main bhi fahraye jhanda vo hai.
Pani jaise shitalta usamain, again ka tap bhi vo,
Badalon ki chhata bhi vo hai, varsha ki booden bhi vo hai.
Garibi bhi vo hai, ameri bhi vo hai, har mushivat ka dherya bhi vo hai.
Sunderta ki apsara vo hai, sapno ki rani bhi vo,
Vipadaon ka pahar bhi vo hai jeevan ka aadhar bhi vo.
Aurat hai, Bhavuk hai, sunder hai, kamjore hai eslia vo lachar hai. Kintu in sabke vabjood vo taran ore palan har hai. Vo nahin hai to kuchh bhi nahin hai. Shanti bhi vo hai, uttejana bhi vo, udasi bhi vo hai, prasnnata ki abhilasha bhi vo hai. Jahan dekhu vahan tu hi tu hai fir bhi tu kahti hai main kamjore hun. Shayad ye teri mansikta hai. Tu kamjore nahin hai kyon ki to paramarshdatri hai, disha nirdeshak hai, to shikshak hai to vo hai jo koi nahin hai. Thanks to all. Please suggests more and write to me at and

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Rule Of Attractions lasting relationships
The rules of attraction might drive our initial decisions, for better or worse. But lasting relationships are about much more than what we see and smell. Our behavior plays a key role, with biology an intriguing contributing factor. "The main theory is that some genes work well in combination with each other," "If these genes evolved to work in combination, then you don't want to break that up too much for your offspring. Finding a mate with similar genes will help you ensure this." Rushton told LiveScience.
If your spouse is genetically similar, you're more likely to have a happy marriage, for example. Child abuse rates are lower when similarity is high, and you'll also be more altruistic and willing to sacrifice more for someone who is more genetically like you, research shows.
Comedy can also help a relationship. But the importance of humor is different for men and women, A woman is attracted to a man who makes her laugh. A man likes a woman who laughs at his jokes. Eric Bressler
True love
Brain scans in people who'd recently fallen in love reveal more activity related to love than sex. "Romantic love is one of the most powerful of all human experiences," "It is definitely more powerful than the sex drive." says Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University.
Desirability- fidelity, by Stephen Emlen and colleagues of Cornell University, asked nearly 1,000 people age 18 to 24 to rank several attributes, including physical attractiveness, health, social status, ambition, and faithfulness. People who rated themselves favorably as long-term partners were more particular about the attributes of potential mates. After fidelity, the most important attributes were physical appearance, family commitment, and wealth and status.
"Good parenting, devotion, and sexual fidelity—that's what people say they're looking for in a long-term relationship,"
Love More Powerful than Sex, Study Claims by Robert Roy Britt- Sex and romance may seem inextricably linked, but the human brain clearly distinguishes between the two. Love is the more powerful emotion.
The results of brain scans speak- "Our findings show that the brain areas activated when someone looks at a photo of their beloved only partially overlap with the brain regions associated with sexual arousal," "Sex and romantic love involve quite different brain systems." said Arthur Aron of the State University of New York-Stony Brook. The study, announced in Neurophysiology Journal.
Brain signal Left & right side
To our surprise, the activation regions associated with intense romantic love were mostly on the right side of the brain, while the activation regions associated with facial attractiveness were mostly on the left, said Lucy Brown of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
The processing of romantic feelings involves a "constellation of neural systems." The researchers -- neuroscientists, anthropologists and social psychologists -- declare love the clear winner versus sex in terms of its power over the human mind. "Romantic love is one of the most powerful of all human experiences," "It is definitely more powerful than the sex drive."
The physiology of stalking behavior suggests that up to 40 percent of people who are rejected in love slip into clinical depression. "Rejected men and women in societies around the world sometimes kill themselves or someone else," Fisher said.
Scientist Finds in women by Jeanna Bryner areporter
Women have high expectations for nearly every area of their lives, but when it comes to sex, they settle for less. And most women keep their dissatisfaction with sex a secret, leaving their partners (let alone their doctors) in the dark, "Whereas men, if they have trouble with sex, it's a crisis. They run to the doctor and say 'I need something for this.' Women don't do that. They just sort of stuff it down and push it further down on the list,"
Anita Clayto a psychiatrist who focuses on women's sexuality at the University of Virginia Health System and having years of clinical experience) has compiled a vast collection of data on women's sex lives. She said, a female patient would visit her with issues like marital problems or depression, and only when directly asked about sex, the patient would divulge dissatisfaction.
She attributes several factors to a woman's lack of sexual satisfaction-:
(i) Sex gets shoved to the bottom of the "to do" list for women. And when they do have sex it becomes just another task.
(ii) Women are not getting their emotional needs met during sex. An orgasm might not be the point.
(iii) Many women strive for unrealistic physical perfection seen in the media and are unhappy with some aspect of their physical bodies.
(iv) Women don't ask for what they want in bed, fearing their partner will be hurt or leave them.
(v) Medications such as antidepressants can reduce a woman's libido and ability to reach orgasm.
What women want with her……..
Some women did complain about difficulty reaching orgasm or lack of sexual desire, but frequently they just felt an overall letdown regarding sex. Not knowing why they feel so deflated after sex, women assume it's their fault or they just don't bring up the topic to their partner. She said women don't have a clear awareness of their sexual desires because of social, cultural or religious beliefs that label such female wants as shameful. Outside pressures impact a woman's view of her body, which can make having sex even less appealing.
"Women are so obsessed with our physical appearance, and we really are trying to achieve some idealized woman's body that we see in the media. We always feel like we're lacking," Instead, they focus on the ever-growing to-do list and sex becomes another task at the very bottom of the list.
"Work and family come first. We end up putting sex low on the priority list," Clayton said. "Then when our partner initiates sex, it's just another task. I really believe that we as women accept a level of dissatisfaction that we don't need to accept."
Tips for success
To ramp up sexual satisfaction, Clayton suggests both partners can play a role. For one, women should know that the perfect body doesn't equal good sex. "You don't have to be a sexy bombshell-looking person to have great sex. It's really not about that. We might think that Victoria's Secret models have a great sex life, but their sex life is no better than anybody else's,".
A confident, sexy attitude and an openness to explore sensuality can breathe life into lackluster sex. Also, women can give a higher priority to sex, holding the laundry for another day. Guys can be more open to talking about what a woman wants in bed, to the point of initiating the conversation, Clayton said. And to make more time for sex, she said, men can help a girlfriend or wife with tasks around the house.
Status like people-
People who are socially dominant and either very friendly or very antagonistic tend to be more sexually promiscuous, according to a new study. Friendly, warm people may enjoy sharing their warmth with others by sleeping with them, whereas antagonistic people may sleep around to avoid having a monogamous relationship. And having a dominant personality makes it easier to approach potential partners.
Antagonistic people might prefer to have multiple sex partners in order to avoid being in a monogamous relationship, out of fear of being poorly treated or being later rejected by a committed partner, the authors noted in their study, which is to be published in the Journal of Research in Personality.
Patrick Markey says it’s particularly interesting that warm people tend to be promiscuous, because in some ways, it conflicts with the moral thinking that promiscuity is bad. Someone actually might be doing it as an expression of their warmth to other people,” he told LiveScience. “A warm person might hug lots of people; a warm person might kiss lots of people. Well, maybe a warm person might sleep with lots of people.”
A search report explain that people like Professional artists and poets hook up with two or three times as many sex partners as other people, new research indicates.
Men and women attitudes in an intimate relationship- Men have been dubbed as being preoccupied with the physical aspect sex, but a new study has found that both men and women change their gender roles when they are in an intimate relationship. "Men experience a lot of pressure in our society to have sex with a number of different partners, the opposite of what women experience as kind of the gatekeepers of sexuality. Once they enter a relationship, however, the pressure on men to have sex is not as strong and the pressure on women to not have sex goes away". "People in romantic relationships give more importance to their own feelings and their partners' than they do to social expectations about sexual behavior," said Paul Perrin, a UF graduate student in psychology and one of the study's researchers.

The study, titled 'My Place or Yours?' published in the April edition of the journal Sex Roles, found that men are much more likely than women to find sex personally and physically pleasurable, while women tend to think that sex breaches social taboos. Too often, these sexually restrictive gender roles become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Though not as frequently talked about, gender roles also restrict men to a narrow range of acceptable sexual behaviour in the sense that others deem him immature and unmasculine if he doesn't have frequent sex," "Men in our sample appear to walk a fine line between wanting the risky sex that society says they should have and paying the price for having had it". Women were more likely to believe that being sexually active had negative social consequences. "Women endorsed at higher rates waiting longer to have sex and not engaging in premarital sex, consistent with the notion of women as sexual gatekeepers," he said. "Perhaps women are more interested than men are in waiting for the right person and the right moment to have sex."

Request-Dear friends read care fully don’t mind it, I am not like this but feel more about our society, generation activities so write this on the basis of researchers report and experience of the persons in the world. Please comment on this issue more as you know with your experience without any doubts. Further I will do work on another topic ………like this. Thanks. (


So, what role will sex play in the new millennium? Our world psychologist, describe the most likely scenario based on research studies, surveys and trends. "Sex is everywhere. Women have sex with women, men have sex with men, women have sex with men--and sometimes the best sex is with oneself."

In homo sapiens, reasoning and reflection have played the greatest role in encouraging sexual selection. This selection occurs in two obvious, time-honoured ways: the choice of males by females and the choice of females by males. Thus each gender, as it were, would help shape the sexual behaviour of the other, stimulating the opposite sex to evolve in the image of its own tastes, its own sexual ideal.

Today, as women become equals to men in all walks of life and even competitors to them, the scenario has changed, dotted by environmental and cultural diversity in sexual patterns and sex appeal, the latter assuming diverse forms and groupings. For humans, sex is not only for reproduction, but a mechanism for enjoyment--both psychic and erotic. Fashion trends, which are becoming more individualistic, flamboyant and sexy, will play an increasing role in sexual appeal and sexual encounters. The media has an even more significant influence. Television, movies and magazines with a high sexual content, for instance, will increasingly provide a source for sexual stimulation and experimentation.
WOMAN- First of all knows woman and her beauty in the words of most famous Hindi poet of Shri Bihari:
Kagaj par likhat na banat, kahat sandasu lajat
Kahihe sab tero hiyo, mere hiy ki bat.
Nahi parag nahi madhur madhu nahi vikasu ehin kal
Ali kali he so bandhyo, aage kon haval. (For Raja Man Singh on another marriage)
Likhan bethi jaki sabi, gahi gahi garab garur,
Bhaye na kete jagat ke, chatur chitere koor.
Laune muhon daithi na lage yon kahi deeno ethi,
doori have lagan lagi, diyo dithona dithi.
Patra hi tithi paiye wa ghar ke chahun pass,
Nit prati punyo hi rahau aanan oy ujas.

Love, relationship, men and women: Genders attitude about sexuality:

Every human being is different. Most men like women. Most women like men. But there are men who like men and there are women who like women. Then there are men and women who are sexually attracted to both men and women. There are men out there who feel they are trapped in male bodies and that they are actually women. There are women who feel just the opposite. At one time, such men and women were considered 'abnormal', 'deviant' and 'perverse'.
Now, medical research has come to the conclusion that a whole range of sexual desires and behaviours exist in both the human and animal world. It is okay to be homosexual or bisexual or transsexual. Problems arise only when society discriminates and penalizes a person with non-conventional sexual orientations.

Sex can be wonderful. But if indulged in irresponsibly, it could lead to problems. Like unplanned pregnancy. Or even AIDS. The colours of life may begin to fade as your middle age approaches. The spirit of the youth may have melted in the burden and responsibilities to family, society, job and children. During this time without your awareness one more important aspect of life will also begin to decay. That is nothing but your interest in sexual life and the physical attraction to your partner.

Our feelings on sexuality- by Jeanna Bryner
Bachelors might have sex on their minds more than their single female counterparts, but once in a committed relationship, men and women have similar attitudes toward the act, a new study finds. The April issue of the journal Sex Roles, reveal how sexual stereotypes, in which guys want to go for it and gals tend to resist, don’t hold when romantic feelings come into play.
“Men’s experience in our society to have sex with a number of different partners,” “the opposite of what women experience as kind of the gatekeepers of sexuality.” Paul Perrin, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Florida. The scientists point out that compared with women men are more sexually permissive, endorse casual sex at higher rates and masturbate more often. And even in dreamland, men are from Mars and women from Venus.
Spin Factor
Tom Tiegs of UF and Perrin, surveyed 208 women and 131 men in an introductory psychology course and rated 160 statements on a scale ranging regarding their sexual behaviors and attitudes which divided in to into four categories.
In category 1- Personally and physically pleasurable,”
I should get drunk to enhance my sexual experience.
If I want to be close to someone, I should have sex.
I should have sex with my partner so he/she will not leave me.
I should have sex with as many people as possible.
In category 2- Beneficial in creating positive feelings about oneself,”
Sex makes my partner love me.
I feel attractive after sex.
I trust my partner more after sex.
In category 3- Personally costly in terms of having negative emotional, psychological or physical consequences,”
Sex makes me feel guilty for violating my morals.
God will punish me for having sex.
Having a one-night stand makes me feel cheap.
I will get an STD by having sex.
In category 4- A violation of social injunctions,"
I should engage in premarital sex.
I should be with my partner a long time before I have sex.
I should not have sex because I’m too attached to someone I’m having sex with.
Fact- Women placed more emphasis on the emotional aspects of sex, men focused more on the physical side of sex. Men were much more likely to find sex personally and physically pleasurable, while women were more likely to think sex violates social taboos. Men gave much higher ratings for risky sexual behaviors, such as “I should have sex with as many people as possible,” than women were more apt to endorse waiting longer and not engaging in premarital sex. Therefore, in an intimate relationship, both genders expressed that sex was important as a way to bring couples closer, to help maintain healthy relationships and to increase one’s self confidence.
History of Sex by Heather Whipps, report to Live Science
Birds do it, bees do it, humans since the dawn of time have done it. It has always offered pleasure. The time has changed and the act has also changed with the millennia. "Just as our bodies tell us what we might like to eat, or when we should go to sleep, they lay down for us our pattern of lust," says University of Toronto psychologist Edward Shorter.
Are humans doing it more? Are we doing it better? How people fess up to the truth about their sex lives that has changed the most over the years.
Hard wired
Sexuality has a lot to do with our biological framework. "People and indeed all animals are hard wired to seek out sex and to continue to do so," They engage in it as a biological imperative." Joann Rodgers, director of media relations. "To be sure, what people actually experience is always a mixture of biological and social conditioning: Desire surges from the body, the mind interprets what society will accept and what not, and the rest of the signals are edited out by culture,” Flesh: A History of Desire".
Modern advances
Many historians and psychologists see the late 1800s as a kind of watershed period for sexuality in the Western world. With the industrial revolution pushing more and more people together—literally—in dense, culturally-mixed neighborhoods, attitudes towards sex became more liberal.
The liberalization of sexuality kicked into high gear by the 1960s with the advent of the birth control pill, letting women get in on the fun and act on the basis of desire as men always had, (Shorter). This unhesitant willingness to grab sex for the sheer sake of physical pleasure," he said, noting that the trend of openly seeking out sex just because it feels good, rather than for procreation alone
Global variations and Freedom
Despite the modern tendency, there are vast differences in attitudes across the world. "Cultures vary tremendously in how early they start having sex, how open they are about it, and how many sexual partners they have," said Buss,
A global sex survey-2005 sponsored by the condom company Durex - Just 3 percent of Americans polled called their sex lives "monotonous," compared to a sizable 26 percent of Indian respondents. While 53 percent of Norwegians wanted more sex than they were having (a respectable 98 times per year, on average), 81 percent of the Portuguese were quite happy with their national quota of 108 times per year.
The Rules of Attraction in the Game of Love- by Bjorn Carey, LiveScience Staff Writer:
To figure out how we pick mates, scientists have measured every shape and angle of the human face, studied the symmetry of dancers, crafted formulas from the measurements of Playboy models, and had both men and women rank attractiveness based on smelling armpit sweat.
A short list of scientific rules for the game of love is emerging. Some are as clearly defined as the prominent, feminine eyes of a supermodel or the desirable hips of a well-built man. Other rules work at the subconscious level, motivating us to action for evolutionary reasons that are tucked inside clouds of infatuation. In the end, lasting love depends at least as much on behavior as biology. But the first moves are made before you're even born.
Conception- the human body develops by neatly splitting cells. If every division were to go perfectly, the result would be a baby whose left and right sides are mirror images. But nature doesn't work that way. Genetic mutations and environmental pressures skew symmetry, and the results have lifelong implications. Good symmetry shows that an individual has the genetic goods to survive development, is healthy, and is a good and fertile choice for mating.
"It makes sense to use symmetry variation in mate choice. "If you choose a perfectly symmetrical partner and reproduce with them, your offspring will have a better chance of being symmetric and able to deal with perturbations," said evolutionary biologist Randy Thornhill of the University of New Mexico.
Thornhill has been studying symmetry for 15 years and scanned faces and bodies into computers to determine symmetry ratios. Both men and women rated symmetrical members of the opposite sex as more attractive and in better health than their less symmetrical counterparts.
He also found that men with higher degrees of symmetry enjoy more sexual partners than men of lower symmetry. "Women's sex-partner numbers are dependent on things other than attractiveness,"
Body shape- Psychologist Devendra Singh of the University of Texas studied people's waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).
Women with a WHR of 0.7—indicating a waist significantly narrower than the hips—are most desirable to men. In general, a range of 0.67 to 1.18 in females is attractive to men, Singh concluded in a 2004 study, while a 0.8 to 1.0 WHR in men is attractive to women, although having broad shoulders is more of a turn-on.
People in the ideal hip-ratio range, regardless of weight, are less susceptible to disease such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer, and diabetes, studies have shown. Women in this range also have less difficulty conceiving. "The idea is that beauty is conveying information about health and fertility, and we admire that,"
Face structure gives insight to fertility.
Estrogen caps bone growth in a woman's lower face and chin, making them relatively small and short, as well as the brow, allowing for her eyes to appear prominent. Men's faces are shaped by testosterone, which helps develop a larger lower face and jaw and a prominent brow.
Men and women possessing these traits are seen as attractive, symmetrical dancers are seen as more attractive. The women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable, especially if the woman was menstruating.

Request-Dear friends read care fully don’t mind it, I am not like this but feel more about our society, generation activities so write this on the basis of researchers report and experience of the persons in the world. Please comment on this issue more as you know with your experience without any doubts. Further I will do work on another topic ………like this. Thanks. (

Wednesday, June 20, 2007




What solution lies- control over casteism in politics- Is it possible that people coming out of caste politics? Never, Who are good candidates for representation of people in a democratic country? Do our national parties provide seats to them to fight election or candidates with criminal’s background will let them stand against there self’s to fight election? In my opinion never, because as Prof R K Gupta wrote in his article that “our communities are strongly divided in caste line which was exploited by the British and then Congress and now Maya promote it highly”. VP Singh (a worst politician in Indian history) played the card by pulling out Mandal Commission report lying in dust. This Mandal Commission was appointed by Indira Gandhi to get rid of the pressure to give reservation to backward classes for her political benefit. So this dirty game is going on since 1970 onwards. Why Gujjars should not ask for reservations and why not devasis who are very poor animal grazers and backward and why not Brahmins as per the survey done now they are also in minority. (Brahmins in UP are with Maya and form the Government)

Can you give me the name of any politician who have died in such riots which take place in India time to time on the name of community, reservation or any burning issue where innocent citizen have lost there life. There are soldiers who give there life’s in serving the nation i.e. our mother land INDIA, that soldier is not remembered for that but these dirty and corrupt politicians when die still remembered as a leader of society, great politician and so on. The state will remain close on that day but do we have any day on which we can remember those real hero’s who laid there lives for the nation. I salute to them. We can over come of this problem once any politician died on road bitten by the general public like you and me for his wrong doings like creating difference on the name of RAM- RAHIM, Reservations and other issues.

I know they do this because they don’t have the answer of our questions those questions related to the problems of individual that one phase in day to day life like Electricity, Water, Proper Education. Medical facility, food, roads, roof, population, etc even after 50 years of independence. They want us to fight for caste, region, reservation so that we will not think of above problems and they can encash this for there political benefits.

Could be good questions but is that possible because there will be a fighting for reservation in the country from the different regions, some of them appose it as happened in Rajasthan (like Meena because they have include in ST). So by reservations can you make any community grow or become forward?

This whole game about which we have been warning for many years was deliberately ignored by corrupt bureaucrats, criminals and self seeking people who have entered in politics. Most of them are there and want to become the champion of Dalits.

My question on the above comment is: who is the Masiha of Dalits and want to promote them politically, socially and economically ? (Maya, Arjun, Pasvan or V.P. Singh)
Indian public is full of idiots and caste minded self seeking peoples it is the duty of educated people like us and politicians to lead the way in right direction. In my view, all reservations should be immediately stopped because the benefit is always taken by highly powerful persons in the cast not by the real poor, so therefore, there should be no fully cast basis reservation.
This caste based reservation will take the country towards civil war and has no end. Half of country is already burning from many years now. The states have also started this type of movement (Maharastra, Bihar and Assam on railway recruitment).

The time has come when the people will express their anger due to unemployment, rising prices, caste based favoritism, corruption and poor administration. Every one including bureaucracy, police and big business houses are busy in making money and Playing with the sentiments of the people and consumers. There are no employment avenues.

Tomorrow another caste will come out on roads and Brahmins and Baniyas will not keep quiet. Ultimately they too will hit back. Who is behind this, our people or political leaders who represent the people or a group of cast? The answer is very simple no one wants to grow whole of the society they live in, but only to fulfill there self-interest, Family welfare and attain it by giving fuel to such matters which can only increase differences in the community. Our pandit says that It is a call of the time that all citizens of India come out of caste we know that too, but it is not possible because our Constitution has provisions in its schedule.
The reservation mold and too for economic development and assistance based on economical backwardness. But the OBCs and SC/STs (The creamy layer of a few people) will not allow this.

The dirty politicians and vote seeking selfish people like Mayawati,Mulayam and so many others won’t allow this. They know we are fools. They know caste reservation will sell. People don't even know where are jobs?One thing is sure, India is moving towards serious civil war like situation. Homes are breaking, law & order machinery is non functional, there is no fear of law, courts are inefficient, police is ineffective and corrupt, bureaucracy is enjoying at public money. Jobs are vanishing. Poverty is actually increasing. So what will happen?Naxalite type movements, Maoist type movements, crimes, squatting, property grabbing, violence and fights. Because common citizens have to take out their rage and injustice caused to them at every stage and in every department.
Loot and sham liberalization
Capitalists are nothing but finacial invaders. You can win societies by two ways- my muscle or by money. Third of-course is woman but that can't be used in whole sale, though there are instances of using women to seize power.Capitalism does not mean growth of people and freedom. It means concentration of wealth in few hands. It is another western form of 'samantavad' by Prof. R K Gupta.

This type of Samantvad aaj bhi kayam hai ore yah kabhi khatma bhi nahin ho sakta kyon ki society ore community always guided by our dabang so call netas who have no moral or ethics. This is the country where people is depends upon the work of mashiya or god they never want to oppose wrong doings. They promote them, encourage them and also vote them. Today Maya is in growing power and each man who supports Maya is a gang man or the man of looting civilization. They purchase tickets of BSP lottary because the Maya has a vote bank today.

The MNCs who come here in India, sell old technology based products in 10-100 times the cost. (I have been a buyer of American products and machines when in industry) and know how filthy they are. By Prof. R K Gupta.Fixing so huge salaries making mockery of poor citizens of India and principles of egalitarian society. They are bleeding the nation in name of liberalization and free markets. Liberalization for whom? Is that for the man of corrupt circles of polticians, bureacrats and busienssmen?
Looting is not business. Business is ethics and serving society. All these high salaries and perks come from blood and sweat of consumers and poor tax payers. I am ready to take over from any of them if they think they are so. There is lot of talent waiting in this country to be given chance.
Aavaj do jo aatma se aaye……….avam hum ore aapko milaye ek kranti ke aavhan ke lia jo badal dale Hindustan ki avam ko, cast ki rajneeti ko, badle ki bhawna ko, vyakti ki lalsa ko. Hamen atal banana hoga mayawati nahin ore na hi Bhainsla hamen logon ki seva karni hogi, desh ko bachana hoga garibi ko mitana hoga, har samasya ka samadhan samay se karma hoga jisase koi Gurzar aandolan jaisi amanvia ghatna na ho sake. Jai hind Jai Bharat or jai deep. Analysis by N Singh